What happens during SMP consultation? You have been hearing a lot about scalp micropigmentation but are unsure whether it actually works. Well, SMP consultation is the best way to find out the scalp micropigmentation reality.

Whether you are interested find the SMP reality or the secret of scalp micropigmentation success, SMP consultant can guide you through the process.

SMP Consultation Types

You have two options- either you may choose in-person meeting or opt for a phone consultation with the best SMP artist. When booking a phone consultation, try sending photos of the scalp. This should give SMP practitioners a better opportunity to evaluate your case even before they touch your scalp.

This also helps SMP artists to come up with a custom SMP solution for your specific hair loss type.

As far as in-person consultation is concerned, you can discuss all your doubts with the SMP consultant to alleviate your fears about the procedure.

SMP Consultation: Get Answers

One question that has been lingering in your mind is if the hair pigmentation procedure is for you. Well, an SMP practitioner is the best person to answer that after reviewing your case and concerns.

The best scalp artist will also tell you that the procedure is permanent, though you may need periodic touch-up sessions to darken even the best SMP pigment.

All pigments can fade over a period of time. A touch-up is the best way to revive it.

Another concern that most SMP enthusiasts come up with is whether the procedure will look natural on them.

Again, you can resolve these concerns during the SMP consultation. The SMP artist will guide you through the procedure. The best scalp artist will try to produce near-natural results that look realistic and not dramatic.

In fact, scalp micropigmentation is believed to be the best solution for people with a receding hairline or thinning hair or those suffering from female/male pattern baldness.

How long does the treatment take?

During consultation, you will realize that scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure. However, since it is a technical procedure, it takes up to 3 hours per session for the scalp artist to work on your follicles. The entire procedure may require 3 sessions in total for the SMP practitioner to achieve the look you desire.

You may be interested to learn about the scalp artist’s education and experience in the industry. During SMP consultation, let the consultant open up about the scalp technician’s details because you have every right to know about them before committing.

 How will I look after the procedure?

Well, get answer to this question during the SMP consultation. Ideally, there is bound to be some redness on the scalp after each session. This will gradually become normal as the scalp comes heals.

If you seek SMP consultation, get in touch with Scalp Directory experts today and we will set up your meeting with the best scalp artist in town.


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