Are there any risks associated with SMP in Albuquerque New Mexico? Well, microblading is one of the most effective ways to use tattoo ink to create hyper-realistic natural-looking eyebrows. Scalp micropigmentation involves the duplication of follicles on the scalp using a special SMP ink, which is specially formulated for the procedure. 

SMP eliminates the shiny look of a bald scalp and recreates the appearance of a full head of hair. The SMP look can especially appeal to fully bald clients, who can enjoy the fashionable look that creates the impression of a freshly shaved head. But in order to get the desired results and avoid SMP risks, the best scalp artist must do the job. So is SMP a bad idea?

SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Risks

Scalp micropigmentation is a life-changing experience for those with hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or a receding hairline. SMP involves careful placement of tattoos that look real just like a shaved head. Microblading has the same effect on eyebrows.

Scalp microblading can fade due to exposure to ultraviolet rays, irritants, pollutants, and the environment.  But the skill and technique applied by an experienced SMP artist will alleviate the risk. They can harness their skills to ensure that the simulated follicles remain crisp after the passage of time.

Skin type

A skilled artist knows the limitations of microblading on oily skin, where it might fade out within a year. Only the best SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico, practitioner knows how to ensure lasting results. The procedure becomes controversial due to untrained and inexperienced artists. Microblading becomes a risky proposition only if done by inexperienced hands. You must be wary of such scalp artists.

Infection after SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Microblading may cause infection if the scalp artist uses unclean, unhygienic, and dirty equipment. The client may be at risk of hepatitis, HIV, bacterial infection, or herpes.

Allergic reaction

An itchy rash might be the result of an allergic reaction from the ink. Some practitioners may use chemical pigment to make a shade that matches the client’s brows, triggering allergic reactions.


In some cases, microblading may result in granuloma since a foreign substance is injected into the skin. As a result, the body tries to protect the skin by making inflammatory knots at the site of injection. It may take months or years for granuloma to appear after SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Keloids from SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico

You may not get keloids on your face but if you have had keloids earlier, then you are at a risk of getting these scars after microblading. Such scars tend to grow bigger than normal.

Bottom Line

All in all, SMP in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a safe procedure and leaves you feeling more confident, happier, and better. It can prove to be a life-changing experience for a majority of people only if the best scalp artist does the job. So make it a point to do your research well into finding the right SMP technician on the basis of their skills, expertise, and experience. What results they have produced and do they offer any guarantees? Explore Scalp Directory for professional SMP practitioners who have earned name for being the best in the business.


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