SMP in Louisville in Kentucky: Is Sensitivity Common

Do you plan to undergo SMP in Louisville in Kentucky and wondering about the post-procedure issues? Well, scalp micropigmentation promises to be an effective solution for men and women with hair loss or thinning hair. While hair loss is normal with age, the sight of falling hair is not a pleasant one for many of you because of the fear of personality loss. Well, it is here that you may opt for scalp micropigmentation. After the procedure, the area will remain highly sensitive. True, sensitivity is common for at least 72 hours after scalp micropigmentation.

Should You Expect Sensitive Scalp After SMP in Louisville in Kentucky

If you are still struggling with whether you should choose scalp micropigmentation for hair growth, then you have valid reasons to do so. No, you should not fear the after-effects of the procedure, which aren’t too many. True, little sensitivity is common after you undergo the procedure. Your scalp might feel sensitive to touch for 72 hours. This might cause a feeling of discomfort because your scalp does not feel normal to you. However, there is not much you can do about it. Avoid touching the scalp to keep the discomfort feeling away.

Some clients may experience an itching sensation in the treated areas after SMP in Louisville in Kentucky. In that case, you would do well to avoid scratching the scalp. This is done to ensure that there is no further scalp issue. Remember, you do not want to peel off scabs that are healing. In that case, it may result in the removal of ink, which is still fresh on the scalp and yet to dry fully.

Steps To Avoid Side Effects

Well, there are some SMP aftercare tips to ensure that there are no after-effects of the procedure. One of the most important tips is to avoid direct exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause healing problems in the initial days after the procedure. You do not want to step out in the sun immediately after undergoing SMP. If you still need to, you must try to cover your scalp from direct exposure with a wide-brimmed hat because even short-term exposure might cause healing issues.

Give your scalp adequate healing time so it can restore your beauty and personality.

Avoid moisture

Take every step to ensure your exposure to moisture and water. This includes sweat. No doubt, the irritation or sensation might force you to think of soaking yourself in water, but this is a wrong notion.

The best scalp artist will tell you to avoid or minimize moisture contact with your skin for at least 72 hours. Avoid engaging in activities that make you sweat. You should not wash your head for at least 3 days after the procedure. After the third day, you can take light showers and feel fresh. You may even trim your hair with an electric shaver. However, avoid any shampoo with sulfate and paraben.

Allow time for results

SMP in Louisville in Kentucky can be a life-changing process, especially if you are experiencing the worst hair loss or thinning hair issues. But the procedure needs some time to produce results. Allow 30 days of time to experience the real results.

Some clients might experience scabs but it is a normal process. The pigment, which might appear light in the initial days, might become darker as the healing progresses.

In order to get the best SMP in Louisville in Kentucky results, trust your scalp micropigmentation procedure to the best practitioner. Scalp Directory is the right place to find the best SMP artist.


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