What is Hair Pigmentation for Hair Loss

Suffering from hair loss? You want to treat hair fall problem because the sight of hair loss is depressing. Well, hair pigmentation has an answer to your problem. Now let’s see how does that work. The procedure is designed to fill in bald spots. The objective is to reduce the contrast between the skin and follicles. Scalp micropigmentation creates an illusion of a buzz-cut.

Why Choose Hair Pigmentation

What can hair pigmentation do for you? Well, it offers a solution to hair loss. How does that work? It involves injecting the best SMP pigment into the skin. Now you might wonder whether it is a form of hair tattoo. Well, there is a huge difference between both and even the results are different too. The needles involved in hair pigmentation are much smaller than those used in tattoo.

Hair pigmentation is essentially the same as scalp micropigmentation. Tricopigmentation is another form of hair pigmentation.

While scalp micropigmentation is a permanent procedure, tricopigmentation is temporary, lasting 6-18 months. When done by the best scalp artists, scalp micropigmentation results last 4 to 6 years.

Is hair pigmentation different from hair tattoo

The differences between both procedures are quite explicit.

  • The artist injects tattoo ink deeper into the skin compared with scalp micropigmentation, which is fairly shallow. While tattoo ink goes 3 to 4 skin layers deep, SMP ink remains at only 2 skin layers deep.
  • Ink can disperse when injected deeply into the skin. However, in SMP, the pigment is not injected deeply and looks sharp, creating the appearance of follicles.
  • Compared to a tattoo, SMP uses a smaller needle. That means there is little to no pain than experienced with a tattoo. However, it requires the same amount of care as a tattoo. You should limit your scalp’s exposure to the sun to prevent fading.
  • SMP uses a different type of ink and tools than a hair tattoo. You can personalize hair pigment color to match your scalp or hair color. Some pigment inks and pen machines are made only for hair pigmentation. This means they cannot be used elsewhere.

Will Scalp Micropigmentation Work For Me

Are you suffering from hair loss or a receding hair line? Or do you have bald patches on your scalp? If these signs of hair loss trouble you, then hair pigmentation is the best treatment. The procedure works best even for those who are completely bald.

Once done by the best SMP artist, you can expect a clean buzz cut look. The best thing is it is easy to maintain.

When you cannot trust anyone but the best scalp artist, explore Scalp Directory. We can help you choose the right scalp micropigmentation practitioner for your scalp job.


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